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Victorian Age (1832-1901); Brief-answer Questions

Victorian Age (1832-1901)

1. When did the Victorian era begin?

Ans: The Victorian era began in 1832.

2. What is the duration of Victorian Age?

Ans: The duration of ‘Victorian Age’ is 1832-1901.

3. What signifies the Victorian Age? [NU 2016]

Ans: Stability, progress, social reforms along with great problems such as poverty, injustice and social unrest signify the Victorian Age.

4. Who is called the representative poet of the Victorian Age?

Ans: Alfred Tennyson is called the representative poet of the Victorian Age.

5. What are the trends of Victorian literature?

Ans: Rationalism, realism and religious movement are the trends of Victorian literature. Literature of this period reflects peace, order and stability.

6. What is Victorian Conflict? [NU 2013, 2018]

Ans: Victorian conflict is the conflicts of faith and doubt, science and religion, and also democracy and monarchism.

7. Why is Victorian age called an age of faith and doubt?

Ans: Victorian age is called an age of faith and doubt mainly because man’s faith in the established religion was violently shaken by new scientific inventions. 

8. What does Victorian compromise mean?

Ans: Victorian compromise means the compromise between the conflicting ideas of faith and doubt, science and religion, democracy and monarchism etc.

9. Who is called the poet of Victorian compromise?

Ans: Alfred Tennyson is called the poet of Victorian compromise. 

10. What is "In Memoriam"? Who has composed it?

Ans: "In Memoriam" is an elegiac poem written by Alfred Tennyson.

11. What is 'The Oxford Movement'? [NU 2014, 2015]

Ans: ‘The Oxford Movement’ is a 19th century movement, centered at the University of Oxford. It sought a renewal of catholic thought and practice in opposition to the protestant.

12. When did the Oxford Movement begin? [NU 2018]

Ans: The Oxford Movement began in July 1833. 

13. What is Pre-Raphaelitism?

Ans: Pre-Raphaelitism was a countercultural movement that aimed to reform Victorian art and writing. It originated in 1848 with the foundation of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB).

14. Who are Pre-Raphaelites? [NU 2014]

Ans: Pre-Raphaelites are a secret society of English painters, poets, and critics, founded in 1848 by William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

15. What do you mean by Pre-Raphaelite poetry?

Ans: Pre-Raphaelite poetry deals with Medievalism, symbolism, sensuousness, truthfulness and simplicity.

16. Who are the major poets of Victorian age?

Ans: Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning and Matthew Arnold are the major poets of Victorian age.

17. Mention name of two Victorian female writers.

Ans: Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte are the two Victorian female writers.

18. Who are called the Brontes? [NU 2016]

Ans: The Brontes are three sisters—Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte.

19. Name the famous elegy written in the Victorian age. 

Ans: The famous elegy written in the Victorian age is “In Memoriam” (1850) by Alfred Tennyson.

20. Write the names of three women novelists of the Victorian Age.

Ans: Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte are the female novelists of the Victorian period.

21. To which literary age does Robert Browning belong?

Ans: Robert Browning belongs to Victorian Age.

22. What was the pen name of E. B. Browning?

Ans: The pen name of E. B. Browning was “the Portuguese” which was given by her husband, Robert Browning. 

23. What is dramatic monologue?

Ans: A dramatic monologue is a poetic form in which a single speaker addresses a silent listener and reveals himself/herself at a critical moment or dramatic situation of his/her life.

24. Whose poetry is termed as the “criticism of life”?

Ans: Matthew Arnold defined poetry as the “criticism of life” or the “application of ideas to life.” He more or less conformed to his ideas about poetry. That’s why his poetry is termed as the “criticism of life”.   

25. Who is the author of Culture and Anarchy?

Ans: Matthew Arnold is the author of Culture and Anarchy.

26. Who is called an 'Un-Victorian Poet' in the Victorian Literature?

Ans: Robert Browning is called an 'Un-Victorian Poet' in the Victorian Literature.

27. Who is the author of the book, 'The Origin of Species’?

Ans: The author of the book, 'The Origin of Species’ is Charles Darwin.

28. Mention some novels of Charles Dickens?

Ans: Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations etc. are some novels of Charles Dickens. 

29. Who has written "A Tale of Two Cities"?

Ans: Charles Dickens has written "A Tale of Two Cities".

30. What are the two cities referred to in the novel A Tale of Two Cities? [NU 2015]

Ans: The two cities referred to in the novel A Tale of Two Cities are London and Paris. 

31. What is the actual name of George Eliot?

Ans: The actual name of George Eliot is Mary Ann Evans.

32. Name two novels written by Thomas Hardy.

Ans: Tess of the d'Urbervilles and The Mayor of Casterbridge are two novels written by Thomas Hardy.
